Create Project From Sequence File in CARA

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 Starting a New Project

It is possible to start a project from scratch. You can also start a project from a BMRB deposition file, for example, downloaded from the BMRB web site.

However, assuming that you are working on a new protein, you will likely need to start from an XEASY sequence file. To do that you will need to right-lick on the Projects tab, select Import Project from Sequence from the context menu and provide a *.seq file.

I will have to confirm that the sequence file represents residues, not abstract spin systems, as expected for a "true" sequence.


  • Create a project from sequence file:
          CARA proj import from seq.png

This will create a project entry with the same name as the *.seq file, with the sequence field appropriately filled and all other fields empty. You can also rename a project at any time.


  • Created project:
          CARA new project.png

In principle, a repository can contain several projects. However, many common Lua scripts assume that there is a single project in a repository. Therefore, creating several projects in a single repository is not encouraged.

See also this page on importing Xeasy *.seq files:

-- Main.AlexEletski - 07 Mar 2007