XEASY Sequence List

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Sequence List

The XEASY sequence list defines the primary sequence of the biomolecule. In the initial phases of an assignment cycle, it is advantageous to use generic spin-system names such as SS for conventional spectra or SRD for reduced dimensionality spectra and GFT spectra. The sequence file will contain only the residue type and the residue number (shown below).

  • Example of XEASY sequence list.
SRD 201  
SRD 202  
SRD 203  
SRD 204  
SRD 205  
SRD 206  
SRD 207  
SRD 208  
SRD 209  
SRD 210  
SRD 211
  • Example of XEASY sequence list with mapping numbers.
SRD 201  42  
SRD 202  86  
SRD 203  17  
SRD 204 129  
SRD 205  
SRD 206 121  
SRD 207   3  
SRD 208  
SRD 209  
SRD 210  45  
SRD 211   7

where columns 1 to 3 are residue name, fragment number and mapping number, respectively. The mapping number defines a residue's real position in the protein sequence.

-- Main.GaohuaLiu - 14 Jun 2007